Welcome to the PAFP Members Only Section
A Note on Security
Although this section is password-protected, you personally play an important role in maintaining the security of certain documents. Please do not share your member ID with anyone who is not a delegate, board or commission member, including your staff. If you need technical assistance, email us at info@pafp.com.
The PAFP's Annual Business Meeting will take place during the spring CONNECT conference on April 5. All members are invited to attend the luncheon event, which is FREE for CONNECT attendees (CME registrants and Research Day registrants). Others may register for the lunch meeting only ($). The program includes updates from the Academy and the Foundation, convocation of new Fellows, election of new Board officers, and remarks from Darron W. Gersh, MD, AAFP Board of Directors and Vice Speaker of the Congress of Delegates. In advance of the meeting, the ABM agenda, last year's meeting minutes, and the slate of candidates for elected office are all available on the Members Only portal of this website. We invite you to attend.
PAFP Board of Directors Slate of Candidates
Board of Directors (1 position available; 3-year term)
- Maria Gioia, DO
- Mukta Kapdi, MD
- Jeffrey Zlotnick, MD
Uncontested Officer Candidates:
- President-Elect Andrew Lutzkanin, MD
- Foundation President, Rory Tucker, MD
- Delegate, Nicole Davis, MD
- Alternate Delegate Tiffany Leonard, MD
Conflict of Interest Statement
Click here to complete the form
Online Travel Reimbursement
Travel Reimbursement Policy | Begin a Submission
PAFP Mission Statement and Core Values
Statement and Values
2022-26 Strategic Plan
Strategic Plan
Academy Bylaws (updated 2024)
Foundation Bylaws (updated 2023)
Board Orientation Manual
Click here for downloadable PDF
Executive Vice-President, Chief Executive Officer
Brent Ennis
(direct) 717-979-9525
Legal Counsel
Charles I. Artz, Esq.
Team Directory
Janine Owen, Deputy Executive Vice President, Chief Education Officer
(direct) 717-418-0398
Jessica Martin, CPA, Chief Financial Officer
(direct) 717-439-3328
Jennifer Reis, Chief Government Affairs Officer
(direct) 717-425-3065
Cathy Stamm, Chief Communications and Development Officer
(direct) 717-317-7790
Molly Talley, Chief Resident & Student Engagement Officer
(direct) 717-395-3883
PAFP Leadership and Committees
Click here for a current list of committee members.
*Existing committee members, students, and residents are not required to submit an application
Committee Descriptions
Continuing Professional Development Committee - Provides oversight and directs development of all continuing medical education programs. The Committee meets twice a year in person and via teleconference or other means as needed. Expectations include subject matter selection with a focus on board review and physician personal and professional wellness, input into learner objectives, peer review of slides to absolve potential conflicts, possible review of other conference development material, teleconferencing, and attendance at meetings.
Chair: Jeffrey Zlotnick, MD
PAFP team member: Janine Owen, Chief Education Officer
Government and Practice Advocacy Committee - Provides recommendations to the Board of Directors on policies related to legislative, regulatory and legal affairs. Reviews current health care legislation and recommends changes that will enhance quality health care. Communicate and provide advocacy for family physicians practicing in urban, suburban and rural areas of the Commonwealth. Commission meets twice a year. Expectations include agenda review, teleconferencing, and attendance at meetings.
Chair: Amy Lachewitz, MD
PAFP team member: Jennifer Reis, Chief Government Affairs Officer
Resident and Student Affairs Committee - Analyzes trends related to medical student interest in family medicine and effectiveness of current family medicine resident and student initiatives. Commission also works with appropriate entities to advocate for family medicine, promote the specialty to qualified medical graduates to enter family medicine, and oversees the annual Spring Family Medicine Conference. Commission meets twice a year. Expectations include agenda review, teleconferencing, and attendance at meetings.
Chair: Jenny Wang, MD
PAFP team member: Molly Talley, Chief Resident and Student Engagement Officer
Board of directors and officer Descriptions
PAFP Board of Directors -
The Board of Directors shall be composed of the President; the President-elect; the Board Chair, the Treasurer; the Senior Delegate to the American Academy of Family Physicians; the Student Representative elected by the Pennsylvania Assembly of Medical Students or its successor assembly; the Resident Representative elected by the Pennsylvania Assembly of Family Medicine Residents or its successor assembly; the Chair of the Assembly of Family Medicine Residency Program Directors and Chairs of Departments of Family Medicine or its successor assembly; three Directors-At-Large; and the Foundation President.
President - The President or a qualified alternate, shall appoint all standing and special committees and shall perform such duties as are usual to that office. The term of office of the President shall begin upon installation at the annual meeting following the one at which the President was elected President-Elect, and shall expire at the conclusion of the next annual meeting or when a successor is installed. In the event of the death or resignation of the President during the term of office or if the President shall for any reason be unable or unqualified to serve, the President-Elect shall succeed to the office of President for the unexpired portion of the President’s term. In the event of the death, resignation, or incapacity of the President and the President-Elect, the Board of Directors shall appoint a President for the unexpired portion of the term. The President-Elect shall succeed to the office of President at the conclusion of the first annual meeting following the meeting at which the election occurred.
President-Elect - The President-Elect shall serve in this capacity from the conclusion of the annual meeting at which he or she is elected. The President-Elect shall perform the duties of the President when the President is absent or unable to perform such duties and shall succeed to the office of President at the expiration of the President’s term of office as provided in Section 3. In the event of the death, resignation, incapacity, or removal from office of the President-Elect, the Board of Directors shall appoint a President-Elect for the unexpired portion of the term.
Immediate Past President/Board Chair -
The Immediate Past President upon expiration of the term of office as President, shall serve as Board Chair and member of the Board of Directors for a period of one year. The Board Chair shall be entitled to one vote on the Board of Directors and shall preside over all meetings of the Board. In the absence of the Board Chair, the President shall serve as temporary Chair for that meeting. In the absence of both the Board Chair and the President, the President-Elect shall serve as temporary Chair for that meeting. In the absence of the Board Chair, the President, and the President-Elect, a temporary Chair shall be elected by the members present at that meeting. In the event of the death, resignation, or incapacity of the Board Chair, the Board of Directors shall appoint a Board Chair for the unexpired portion of the term.
Treasurer -
The Treasurer’s term of office shall begin at the conclusion of the annual meeting at which the Treasurer is elected, and shall expire at the conclusion of the second annual meeting after the election or when a successor is elected. No individual may serve more than two terms as Treasurer. The Treasurer shall receive all funds from whatever source; and shall dispense funds only within adopted budgetary limits, plus emergency funds by item specification and authorization by the Board of Directors. In the event of the death, resignation, or incapacity of the Treasurer, the Board of Directors shall appoint a Treasurer for the unexpired portion of the term.
Directors-At-Large -
The term of the three Directors at-large shall be three years beginning at the conclusion of the annual meeting at which they are elected and expiring at the conclusion of the third annual meeting after their election, or when their successors are elected. The terms shall be staggered such that one Director at-large shall be elected each year, provided that the Board shall establish a policy for the implementation of staggered terms. No individual may serve more than two terms as a Director-at-Large except as waived by the Board under a policy duly adopted. If a Director is appointed or elected to serve any portion of an unexpired term, such time spent shall not preclude the Director from subsequently serving two, two-year terms. Vacancies on the Board of Directors, which may occur due to death, resignation, or any other reason, shall be filled by the Board of Directors. Appointees to such vacancies shall serve only until the next annual meeting of the Academy.
AAFP Delegate -
The AAFP Delegate represents the PAFP at the American Academy of Family Physician’s Congress of Delegates (COD), the national Academy’s policy-making body. The Delegate will serve in the voting role at COD during their term of office. The Delegate will therefore represent the members of the PAFP during COD and its reference committees. The Delegate is also responsible for soliciting, reviewing, or generating resolutions from members to submit to the Board of Directors as well as update the Board of Directors on potential resolutions coming before COD. Term: 2 years
AAFP Alternate Delegate -
The AAFP Alternate Delegate represents the PAFP at the American Academy of Family Physician’s Congress of Delegates (COD), the national Academy’s policy-making body. Alternate Delegate may vote in the absence of a sitting Delegate during any portion of COD. Term: 2 years
Foundation President -
The Foundation President is a member of the PAFP Board of Directors and presides over Foundation meetings. The position is open to all members of the PAFP who wish to be a leader within the organization. No previous leadership or board experience is required, although it is suggested. It is expected the Foundation President to attend all meetings and functions. Term: 1 year
Chair of the Assembly of Family Medicine Residency Program Directors and Chairs of Departments of Family Medicine -
The Chair of the Assembly of Family Medicine Residency Program Directors and/or Chairs of Departments of Family Medicine, or its successor assembly, shall serve a two-year term as defined in the Assembly’s bylaws. The Chair of the Assembly will serve as a voting member of the Board of Directors. Term 2 years
Resident Representative - The term of office of the Resident Representative on the Board of Directors will be for one year and shall begin at the conclusion of the annual meeting of the Resident Assembly and shall expire at the conclusion of the next annual meeting. The Resident Representative will be selected by the Pennsylvania Assembly of Family Medicine Residents, or its successor assembly. No one resident shall serve more than two years in the seat reserved for the Resident Representative. A vacancy in the seat of the Resident Representative shall be filled by the Pennsylvania Assembly of Family Medicine Residents, or its successor assembly. The Resident Representative shall be entitled to a vote on the Board of Directors. Term 1 year
Student Representative -
The Pennsylvania Assembly of Medical Students, or its successor assembly, will elect a Student Representative to the Board of Directors at their yearly meeting. The term of office of the Student Representative on the Board of Directors will be for one year and shall begin at the conclusion of the yearly meeting of the Pennsylvania Assembly of Medical Students, or its successor assembly. The term shall expire at the conclusion of the next yearly meeting of the Pennsylvania Assembly of Medical Students, or its successor assembly. No one student shall serve more than two years in the seat reserved for the Student Representative. A vacancy in the seat of the Student Representative shall be filled by the Pennsylvania Assembly of Medical Students, or its successor assembly. The Student Representative shall be entitled to a vote on the Board of Directors. Term 1 year
PAFP 2024-25 Officers
PAFP President
Theresa Metanchuk, DO
PAFP President-Elect
Heather Beauparlant, DO
PAFP Foundation President
Andy Lutzkanin, MD
PAFP and Foundation Treasurer
Stacey Robert, MD
PAFP Board Chair, Immediate Past President
Jeanne Spencer, MD
PAFP Executive Vice President
Brent Ennis
Past presidents of the PAFP
PAFP Board of Directors
Barbara Nightingale, MD
Tim Switaj, MD
Jeff Jackson, MD
Pam Vnenchak, MD, Chair of Assembly of Family Residency Program Directors
Zak Newberry, MD Resident Representative
Emily Grimes Student Representative
Delegates to the AAFP Congress of Delegates
Nicole Davis, MD
Kevin Wong, MD
Alternate Delegates to the AAFP Congress of Delegates
Tiffany Leonard, MD
Libby Wetterer, MD
Committee Chairs
Jeffrey Zlotnick, MD (COCPD)
Jenny Wang, MD (RSAC)
Amy Lachewitz, MD (GPAC)